Vision of Breakthrough for the U.S.

Hello Friends!

In intercession on April 23rd, the Lord brought a clear vision of the United States of America. Over the past week I have been in intercession concerning the vision and on the morning of the National Day of Pray, I felt the Lord prompting me to share what He revealed in order for the Church and the intercessors to pray in agreement. After submitting the word to trusted friends and prophetic voices, I was encouraged to share this vision publicly. As I strongly believe this word is an invitation for intercession for our nation and what the Lord was revealing in this encounter. So, I have submitted the word to Elijah List and will share it on social media outlets. But I also would like to share this word with all of you on our newsletter email list. I pray that it encourages you and will give provide direction in intercession for our nation!

We also want to say thank you for those who are praying for and who have given into our office upgrade/expansion. We are in the process of moving forward on the purchase of a what will be our new home and office space. If all continues to go well in the final stages of purchasing this property we will have so much room to expand and grow. The projected time of closing on the property and moving in is the first week of June. We are still in need of the funds to help make the fullness of the vision of the expansion of the office space. This is the first time in our ministry that we have stepped out and asked our friends and partners to give specifically toward an office location and expansion. We are walking in expectancy and faith of all the Lord will do and provide in this new season and we are asking if you would prayerfully seek the Lord about generously sowing into this upgrade to our office space.  You can make your tax-deductible donation at and in the notes section add “office upgrade” in the note section.  Or if you prefer, you can mail a donation to:

Christian Harvest International

11605 Meridian Market View Ste 124 PMB 158

Falcon, CO 80831


Every gift is so needed in this time and we are so grateful to each of you who are partnering with us into this new season! Now to share the vision the Lord released over a week ago.



Season of Grace and Breakthrough – The Lord’s Gavel of Justice Exposes Corruption

In this vision, I saw Jesus standing above a large map of the nation. He was intentionally highlighting specific regions throughout the nation by positioning Himself above the regions that He began to speak to me about. He was maneuvering throughout the land with the intent of highlighting these regions and speaking His purposes for what He continued to call, “The five-year period of grace and awakening.”


Northern U.S. – Unlocking of Covenants

Initially, I saw Jesus in the northern region of the United States, I heard Him say, “There will be an unlocking of original covenants in the land that will cause the nation to shift into righteous covenant. As this unlocking occurs it is paving a way throughout 2019, leading into 2020, and 4 years following 2020 for continued and increased righteous governance in the White House that will lead this land. This government will continue to decree righteousness through alignments with key nations, standing for life of the unborn, the supporting of Israel and the belief in Christian values and prayer.”


Abortion Legislation

He then brought the focus to abortion and said, “Abortion will continue to be dealt with state by state, region by region; a grassroots movement of states that will stand for righteousness. This is just the beginning.” He further revealed that as we begin to advance from now through to 2024 and going into 2025, there will be 28 states that will shift abortion legislation to righteousness in which an unborn child will no longer be considered a fetus, but a human life. Legislation will begin to shift in these 28 states to the stance that abortion is murder and illegal once the heartbeat is heard in the mother’s womb. In many of these 28 states I could see even a newer wave of legislation being written. The language within this new legislation, “Life begins at the moment of conception.”


East Coast – Oil and Fire Awakening- Broward County

As the vision continued, Jesus made His way to the east coast where He said, “There is an oil and fire awakening and movement of My Spirit that is coming to the east coast.” I could see a fire, a spiritual fire, moving throughout specific locations, Broward County in Florida was one of the highlighted areas. The occult practices in Broward county and the surrounding regions that have been engaged in with the intent to hold back the nation from righteous and conservative values will be exposed and dealt with. I could see the apostolic/prophetic prayer army issuing a final blow to the schemes of the enemy in that region.

As the vision continued, I could see clearly, the dark hand of the deep state that had gripped the United States. But every area and region that the Lord walked into, the grip of the deep state could no longer keeps its demonic hold on our nation. I heard Him say, “Florida, you are key for this time; for such a time as this. Where the deep state has penetrated through to Broward County, the grip will be broken and there is a new move of my Spirit that will come into Florida that will cause a righteousness to rise up.”

I could see that there is an increased awakening coming all along the east coast. North and South Carolina, get ready for a visitation. Georgia was highlighted and He spoke, “Awakening is on you, even within the government. This move of awakening will have great impact in governmental state leaders.”

South – Texas – Gateway Authority

I then saw Jesus standing above the south. I heard the Lord say to the south and specifically to Texas, “You are a gateway of this nation and what is established in the south will reverberate across the nation all the way up to Washington DC. It is a season of being re-established as a righteous gateway for the nation. Where it has been an entry point for evil along the border, this evil is being shut off.” I then saw that sex trafficking at the border will be dealt with. The entity of Santa Muerte that has tried to come into our nation through the borders of Texas, that door of evil will be shut. He is awakening the gateway authority of the South – a spiritual position of standing at the gate. In the days ahead it will no longer be a gateway of contention, but a gatekeeping authority will continue to rise up within the church, within the prophetic, and the intercessory army. What is unfolding within the government of Texas will have an effect and impact all the way to the nation’s capital in DC.


The Plains States – Awakening the Father’s Heat in the Land

I then saw Him move into the center of the US and He spoke to the Plains States, “You will cause the heartbeat of the Father to beat again and there will be an awakening to the heartbeat of the Father. A recognition of the Father’s heart of love will be awakened from the Plains states that will have effect across the nation.” I could see the pillars of unrighteousness that have held that area in the heartland, but I could see new strategies being birthed and implemented in order to see those pillars of unrighteousness toppled.

There is a stirring in the Dakotas which will surprise many. There is an awakening that is coming to the First Nations people in the Dakotas, a revival awakening move of the Father’s heart that will begin to beat again.

Season of Grace and Breakthrough

As the vision continued, I could see and was made aware of the focus of the next 5 years. It is a season of grace and breakthrough. Every region the Lord positioned Himself over in the next five years; the dark grip of the deep state, that demonic grip of extreme agendas, to condone death of the unborn and to establish socialism in our nation; lost their grip.

I was able to see, that in the heartland, in the center of the US, there is stake of truth and righteousness that is being driven into the land by the Lord. As it was penetrating the land, it caused the heartbeat of the Father for this nation to be awakened within the people of this land. The heart of the land began to beat again in rhythm with His purposes. In the next five years, as the pillars of unrighteousness come down we will see God’s Kingdom purposes established in the heartland.

West Coast – San Francisco, San Diego and San Bernadino

I then saw the Lord positioned above and highlighting the west coast. He said, “I am visiting certain regions and cities of a dry and a parched land. People have said, ‘Can anything good come out of San Francisco?’” And He said, “Watch what I will do in the days ahead, in these five years of grace. A spiritual birthing of awakening will occur. There is about to be a move in San Francisco that will surprise many.”

I could hear and see in my spirit, San Diego and San Bernardino. There are stirrings of His Spirit in those dry and parched lands. What the enemy meant for harm will not prevail. The Lord will cause a movement in which that which was meant for evil will be turned for His good and His glory.

I could see that there are going to be shakings in the West Coast. In the midst of those shakings, they will not bring devastation. It will be a shaking that will cause people to awaken to the Lord. I see that in the west coast, it is time for righteousness to be established from your gates. And I heard the Lord saying, “There is going to be a turning around even in the west coast in key locations. In the midst of the several shakings that are ahead, there will not be devastation or destruction, but a shaking unto awakening of truth and holiness.”

Historic Movements and Exposures

I then saw Jesus back in our nation’s capital. He spoke again, “During this five-year period of time, there will be historic movements that no one has expected to see. There will be historic exposures of that which have not been seen. Exposures of corruption. Exposures of under the table corrupt agreements; where deals have been made by the shaking of hands with corrupt, elite structures.” Friends, it was evident within this vision that we are in a five-year grace period of exposure of corruption and the gavel of justice, The Lord’s gavel, is coming down against these corrupt structures.

He stated, “Do not be surprised when you see more revealed, more shaking, more chaos because in this season, I am exposing the corruption. And it will look like chaos, but it is exposure leading to a cleansing during this five year period of grace.”


Demonic Grip of Corruption Loosed and Holiness Movement Birthed

As this vision was unfolding, everywhere the Lord walked throughout the land, this demonic grip of darkness that has tried to control and squeeze the nation in its hold; its grip was loosed and no longer had the power to hold the nation in its influence.

I could see a new holiness movement coming into the land. A holiness movement without compromise. Even within the church where there has been so much compromise. Even at a denominational level; there will be some that will arise within those denominations and say, “We can no longer compromise; we must stand for truth and righteousness.” It will be a cry of repentance, truth and holiness drawing a line in the sand between those who have compromised and those who will no longer compromise.

There is an understanding that is coming to the body of Christ in this season of the true agenda of what has been occuring at the hands of corruption and perversion. Exposure, exposure, exposure will occur in the days ahead.

We are in a five-year period of grace for this nation. What we will see unfold, even in the next five years, will not compare to what we have seen unfolding in the past three years. We have seen darkness while at the same time awesome, suddenly, unexpected surprises causing a movement towards righteousness. The Lord spoke clearly, “In the days ahead you will see many more.” We are in a five year grace period for this nation.


  • Regina Mecco

    Hi thank you for sharing this very encouraging word! You mentioned the East coast but only the southern region. I live in NJ Jesus is alive here and on the move. Was anything revealed regarding the northeast region?
    Thanks and God Bless You!

  • Karen Kendrick

    Thank you Jesus for this wonderful and most encouraging word of The Lord!!!!
    I am an intercessor and am in constant intercession for this nation, its leaders, and my state of Washington…
    I will definitely use thus word to intercede for our nation and my state…
    God Bless you!
    Karen Kendrick

    • CHI

      We are so glad that you will be praying into this!



  • candace green


    what a wonderful and encouraging word. i will implement these words for our prayer group in Canada, as we are believing that as Donald Trump cleanses the swamp, in the U.S… will have a righteous effect to the northern border..

    candace green

    • CHI

      Candace, yes that is awesome! We are so happy to hear this!

  • Georgia Thomlison

    This has been such an encouraging word to me. Making me want to intercead all the more. So encouraging!!!
    Saw this on Give Him Fifteen first.
    Praise God!
    May God continue to use you to bless the Body Of Christ.

    • CHI

      We are happy that it encouraged you! We pray abundant blessings over you!

  • Karin Haley

    Fabulous word and so encouraging. We will keep praying into this.

    • CHI

      Hello Karin! We are so glad that you enjoyed it, your prayers are needed!

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