The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit

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Is there a difference between revival and transformation?  We often equate them as the same thing in the church and in society.  From history, we learn there is various aspects which distinguish them from one another. I want to discuss what the differences are and maybe offer a perspective of why we need to pursue both.  I have been reading The New York City Noon Prayer Meeting by Talbot Chambers and discovered some key indicators of difference, at least to me.

The reason I want to talk about this is in CHI, we travel and see all kinds of the activity of God and the Holy Spirit and love to see genuine moves of the Spirit in places, churches, and people’s lives.  The Holy Spirit’s actions are always impressive and amazing.  My craving becomes sustaining His activity in these moves to see God exalted in everything.   Referring to The New York City Noon Prayer Meeting, if you haven’t read it, you need to! It is an amazing story with copies of letters of first-hand accounts.  This is such an awesome account of stumbling into transformation through obedience in ways which even today we struggle to see. It began with a small group and then grew to encompass the entire United States in prayer, and not only in prayer, but answered prayer.

I relate this to revival and transformation experiences Becca and I had as we began in ministry.  It started in a “normal” Southern Baptist Church and changed the community.  The effect was tangible, and we were always amazed at the thoroughness of the Spirt of God. We hated to miss a service.  Sometimes, we would even go to both Sunday morning services and Sunday evening as well and even intercessory prayer on Tuesday night.  As you read New York City Noon Prayer Meeting, you will see the same brand of intention but with greater fervor. In this book, there are documented accounts of prayers answered from eyewitnesses with historical information of actual prayers answers.  Becca and I can share personal activity of God from our eye-witness perspective while at this church during this time. I think of one time during a personal ministry time, we prayed for a man with back pain documented by a doctor and before our team even began to pray, just as we touched him, he said, “the pain is gone!!”  he got up and jumped up and down before we even prayed.  Prior to him sitting down, he was moving gingerly and carefully.  He said, “there was heat just as you touched my body and it went down my spine.”

I know all of us are hungry for God to move and change our society, culture, cities, families, and churches.  We want not only for those around us to have a great tingling from God, but to take this experience and allow it to change their lives so it is not just an experience within the meeting but becomes the outflow of their daily existence. The challenge is to reach beyond our own responses and give Him the opportunity to move in ways we could never think or imagine.  There are places in us where the Spirit of God is yearning to move, and we can give Him room, if we wish.

Our heart for each of you is to have this type of experience to refer to in your Christian history. At Christian Harvest, we want to see a tangible expression not only His love, grace, healing, deliverance and freedom, but His activity which leads to Him being glorified.  I can’t imagine any of this testimony without God being glorified.  So often our souls reach to Him and talk about Him, but we seldom worship to Him.

His glory is worth it all.  Every hour of our day in our homes, our cars, our prayers, our meals, our hearts is worth it.  In the New York City Noon Prayer Meeting, it began with 6 people meeting to pray for only an hour, during the lunch time in busy New York City in 1857.   Where are the places in your day you can devote a small time just for His activity?  My desire is to see an atmosphere of prayer in every aspect of our lives where it changes from a habit to a lifestyle.  Make Him the center of your pattern in your daily walk.  Cause your heart to be excited about what he does next.  This is my prayer for each of you and I pray it becomes contagious to those around you!

We travel and teach as much as we are able, for fellow believers to learn and see revival and transformation come to their area.  Our Regional Transformation Spiritual Warfare School is one avenue we use to encourage and bolster the church to begin to pray for and activate this kind of movement. This is only one, we try to expand and share in other areas as well. Find those places in you that the Holy Spirit is wanting to expand to include Him and His activity.

I encourage you to get this book and let it build your faith to levels where you know God can and will do what He says.

God bless you and thank you for partnering with us.

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Christian Harvest International Ministries

11605 Meridian Market View

Suite 124 PMB 158

Falcon, CO 80831


In His Love,

Greg and Becca

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