Deliverance School, New Bundle Offer, Podcast Series and Youtube Series

Learn from a combined 70 years of deliverance ministry.  Join Doris Wagner, Becca Greenwood and Jareb Nott as they share their experience and teaching about seeing people freed from demonic oppression. During this school you will learn about taking people through the steps to freedom and releasing them into who God created them to be in God’s Kingdom.  Deliverance is about God receiving Glory as the enemy in defeated in someone’s life so they can fulfill their purpose as a believer. Don’t miss this opportunity. Sign up for Deliverance School Georgia for December 3 – 5, 2020 with the link below.


Check out our new bundle called the “”Destiny Bundle” for $11. This  bundle includes the book Destined  to Rule and 1 of 5 different Keys. In the book, Destined to Rule, Becca explains how God has designed man to have dominion on earth and describes some of the keys to understanding your place in this realm. This key symbolizes your role as Christ’s ambassador to exert power over the enemy and usher forth spiritual and social transformation.  Join Becca Greenwood on her YouTube Channel (Rebecca Greenwood) as she dives deep into this timely message of discovering your spiritual authority for life today!  YOU are destined to rule! The bundle special offer ends  November 1.


Also don’t forget about our Deliverance Bundle that ends September 30. Our Deliverance Bundle is priced at $17 and it includes the two books Defeating Strongholds of the Mind and Breaking the Bonds of Evil.


We are also having a sale on our Engaging in Prophetic Ministry teaching that is on USB. This price is normally $160 and we have dropped it to $90 until September 30.  This offer is good while supplies last.


If you haven’t gotten your pre-sale on Discerning the Spirit Realm be sure to do it before Nov 1. You will receive an email confirming your order of the new book with more details. Check out the link below.


Be sure to check out our series on Podcast of Let Our Children Go!. This week’s Podcast is titled “Let Our Children Go Session Three Whose Demon Is It.”



Deliverance School Georgia

Destiny Bundle

Deliverance Bundle

Engaging in Prophetic Ministry

Discerning the Spirit Realm

Victorious Prophetic Warfare Podcast

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