What is IFG?
As you are aware, deliverance ministry is in great need throughout the Body of Christ. The Lord is greatly highlighting this need and void in this season. As we traveled the nation teaching and training deliverance ministers in our Christian Harvest Deliverance Intensive, it became evident that there is a need and desire for a deliverance network with a new and unique model. The Lord began to nudge us concerning a deliverance vision that Peter Wagner and I (Becca) formed in 2010. It was a two-fold vision to network deliverance ministers within the church and to also identify those called to take deliverance ministry into the marketplace and spheres of culture. The vision was formed and given the name International Freedom Group. However, as we moved forward it seemed that the time was not just yet. We feel the time is now and right to advance, and we are saying “yes” at the leading of the Lord by providing an avenue for deliverance ministers to be identified and to network together.
Greg and I (Becca), are the founding apostles of the network and will be giving apostolic leadership and oversight to all the functions of IFG including leadership of the annual meetings, while Jareb and Petra Nott will be providing direct leadership and oversight with members of IFG and facilitating much of the moving arms and administrations within the vision of IFG.