Prayer Points for Word
Received by Rebecca Greenwood
September 20, 2020
Hello Praying Friends,
The Lord released the following prophetic word and vision on September 20 while attending Head of the Year. I posted the word on social media and Dutch Sheets asked me to release the word corporately at the gathering on Sunday morning. If you haven’t already seen it, you can watch the replay of that Sunday morning service, September 20, which is available on the Glory of Zion GZI TV app. The Lord moved powerfully as it was shared. Many have asked me for prayer points to pray in agreement with this word. So, after many requests we have put this guide together. I pray it is helpful to all you awesome prayer warriors who are on the wall during this strategic time. Remember, most importantly to hear Holy Spirit and pray as He leads you intercession as well. I want to thank Deborah Welch and say how much I appreciate her awesome help in pulling this guide together.
Abundant Blessings,

The enemy thinks he has secured great victories in this season, but I am the master of the chess board that the world, man and Satan have attempted to manipulate through humanism, demonic delay and antichrist agendas. I have sudden moves that Satan and corrupt men and structures will not see coming.
- Psalm 37:13 “The Lord laughs at [the wicked], for He sees that their own day [of defeat] is coming.” – AMPC
- Praise the Lord for the victory and rejoice in His faithfulness
- Declare wicked plans of the enemy to be exposed and the power of delay, fear, humanism, anti-christ and Jezebel spirits be exposed.
There will be sudden moves initiated on the game board that will trump evil and corruption and secure victory.
- 2 Samuel 5:24 “When you hear the sound of a mighty army marching, reverberating in the tops of the balsam trees, come quickly and fight, for the Eternal has gone ahead of you into battle to destroy the army of the Philistines.” – The Voice
- Pray and agree that the intercessory army will be ready to move quickly when they hear the instructions of the Lord.
- Pray for and say yes to the sudden strategy assignments He is initiating.
- Release the war cry and take authority over the schemes of the enemy!
Lord, right now we say we will not be intimidated by voices of the world that are bringing chaos and fear. Lord, we speak out in agreement that if You are for us, then who can be against us. We speak all schemes of the spirit of delay and humanism, the spirits of fear, anti-christ agendas and Jezebel spirit agendas will be exposed and stopped and thwarted in the name of Jesus. Lord we agree that there are more for us than against us and as we intercede, prophesy and declare that Your warring angels are being dispatched across the lands and victory is being secured. Lord, we intercede for a move of salvations for all who have been bound by darkness and are lost and do not know You.
Remember, that while I hung on the cross, Satan thought he had won. But I secured the keys he had stolen and in a surprise, not yet seen move, I rose from the grave and defeated death and hell. Don’t think darkness and evil have won. Their defeat and destruction was secured on the cross and sealed by my resurrection life.
- Revelation 1:17-18 “Don’t yield to fear. I am the Beginning and I am the End, the Living One! I was dead, but now look—I am alive forever and ever. And I hold the keys that unlock death and the unseen world.” TPT
- Thank the Lord for His sacrifice and the victory He secured for us.
- Consider taking communion and remembering all Jesus did on the cross for us.
- Thank the Lord and rise up in the truth that we do not fight for victory, but from victory.
There will be more suddenly, surprise moves. I will initiate the final secure move of checkmate on the game board the enemy has set in motion among the people and nations.
- 1 Chronicles 29:11 “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and on the earth; Yours is the dominion and kingdom, O Lord, and You exalt Yourself as head over all.” – AMP
- Intercede and speak out “Your Kingdom Come!”
- Ask the Lord to release His awakening Glory!
- Say yes to His awakening glory
- Speak out in agreement with the secure move of checkmate!
My Ekklesia must rise above the roar of chaos and see, perceive and discern from My victorious eternal throne room position and operate in the victory strategy. The world looks different from the sight of victorious redemption.
- Revelation 4:1 “After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice which I had heard addressing me like [the calling of] a war trumpet said, Come up here, and I will show you what must take place in the future.” – AMPC
- As believers and intercessors, lets posture ourselves to rise above the chaos to see the battle from a heavenly perspective.
- Receive and intercede from the truth that we war from a place of victorious redemption in the glory realm.
- A word of encouragement, remember to carry His prayer burdens through to breakthrough
I then saw the U.S. in a vision and the Lord spoke, “Look for the next sudden and swift strategic maneuvers. They will come suddenly and swift but with great effectual victory.”
- Psalm 18:14 “He sent out His arrows and scattered them; And He sent an abundance of lightning flashes and confused and routed them [in defeat]. – AMP
- Ask the Lord to release His arrows and His angel army to route the enemy.
- Thank the Lord for His “suddenlies”.
I saw the sound of the intercession, worship, strategic warfare decrees, prophetic proclamation and decrees resounding out in soundwaves of the spiritual atmosphere.
- Psalm 40:3 “And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many shall see and fear (revere and worship) and put their trust and confident reliance in the Lord.”– AMPC
- Let the sound of your worship and intercession rise up and resound out that causes the schemes of the enemy to be cancelled.
- Release the prophetic word that the sound of worship and intercession is changing the atmosphere.
It penetrated and pierced through the canopy and shroud of darkness, evil, lies and corruption and glory, light and justice broke through shining throughout the land.
- Psalm 37:6 “He will spread out righteousness for you as a sunrise spreads radiance over the land; He will deliver justice for you into the light of the high sun.”– The Voice
- Agree with the Lord that He is releasing His justice in the earth.
- Thank the Lord that mercy triumphs over judgment.
Now is not the time to be silent!! Now is the time for the armed and ready battalion of spiritual warriors to engage to secure the Kingdom order for the New Era.
- Ezekiel 37:10 “So I did what God told me to do: I prophesied to the breath. As I was speaking, breath invaded the lifeless. The bodies came alive and stood on their feet. I realized then I was looking at a great army.” – The Voice
- Call forth the great intercessory army to arise and declare truth in this hour
- Intercede for boldness, fresh anointing and life for the spiritual warriors
- For every prayer warrior interceding and engaging in agreement, say yes and receive the boldness to intercede and to speak truth
It is the now time to tip this reset moment into righteous kingdom alignment, time and harvest.
- John 4:35 “As the crowds emerged from the village, Jesus said to his disciples, “Why would you say, ‘The harvest is another four months away’? Look at all the people coming—now is harvest time! For their hearts are like vast fields of ripened grain—ready for a spiritual harvest.” – TPT
- Pray in agreement that now is the reset time to righteous Kingdom alignment, order and harvest.
- Pray for the awakening to sweep across the nation and the nations
- Pray for strategies from heaven for the Kingdom harvest to continue to be released
- Pray for prepared laborers to be sent out and to see many saved, healed and set free.
- Say yes to the assignments He leads you into in this season as a laborer for His Kingdom.