Authority to Tread
An Intercessor’s Guide to Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare
The battle starts on your knees. It ends in the strongest camps of the enemy.
Many intercessors find that they are being called into the highest level of spiritual warfare. In Authority To Tread, Rebecca Greenwood explores every area of battle, from preparation strategies to praying on location.
Let this tactical manual show you how to move in your God-given authority.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Explanation of Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual warfare is defined as an invisible battle in the spiritual realm involving a power confrontation between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. The three levels of warfare are reviewed.
Chapter 2: The Earth Is the Lord’s
God created the earth with exact purposes in mind. The Bible tells us this is true, but throughout the earth is appears that Satan has dominion. If God is so concerned with the earth, then why are so many people and lands gripped in darkness?
Chapter 3: Revelation of Assignment
“Am I called to strategic-level spiritual warfare?”
“How do I know the territory that I have been assigned to?”
Chapter 4: Team Dynamics
Just as one person would not enter into a physical war single-handedly, strategic level warfare also requires an army. Those who are called into spiritual battle have to be trained, submitted and prepared.
Chapter 5: Exposing Hidden Truths
Knowing the facts equips intercessors to hit the bull’s eye while engaging in warfare prayer.
Chapter 6: Spiritual Mapping
Successful spiritual warfare is dependent on the indispensable tool of spiritual mapping – putting all the information together and laying out the battle plans.
Chapter 7: Preparing for Battle
Your mission is clear. Now is the time for all the practical considerations of praying “on location” as well as a personal spiritual inventory.
Chapter 8: Advancing into Battle
The time has come to advance! Now the battle begins. Effective on-site prayer brings breakthrough.
Chapter 9: Counterattack
When a prayer team begins to advance in its God-given authority and wage war against the schemes of the enemy, it will face counterattack. Learn how to stand successfully against these assaults.>Chapter 10: Breakthrough!
When successful strategic-level warfare has occurred, reports of breakthrough in the region will begin to emerge.
Appendix A: Pastoral/Church Covenant for Prayer Journey Participants
Appendix B: Team Covenant for Prayer Journey Participants
Appendix C: Personal Information Form for Prayer Journey Participants
Appendix D: Russia/Ukraine Prayer Journey Report
Reveals the full scope of understanding the enemy in the atmosphere around you, in the land you walk on and in the societal structures that affect the way we live. Rebecca fully reveals how to get your feet planted firmly over the enemy’s plan in your region.
– Chuck D. Pierce, president, Glory of Zion International, Inc., vice president, Global Harvest Ministries
I have served alongside Becca in the trenches. She is a serious student and practitioner of all three levels of spiritual warfare.
– Doris Wagner, executive vice president, Global Harvest Ministries
Becca is a seasoned intercessor and unfolds the strategies of warfare with clarity and skill.
– Alice Smith, executive director, U.S. Prayer Center
A wonderfully clear, concise and, best of all, practical guide for every praying Christian.
– Eddie Smith, president, U.S. Prayer Center
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