Far Away Places

Far away places with strange sounding names
Far away over the sea
Those far away places with the strange sounding names are
Calling me
Goin’ to China or maybe Siam
I wanna see for myself
Those far away places I’ve been reading about in a
Book that I took from a shelf
I start getting’ restless whenever I hear the whistle of a train
I pray for the day I can get underway
And look for those castles in Spain
They call me a dreamer
Well maybe I am
But I know that I’m burning to see those
Far away places with the strange sounding names
Calling, calling me

I can still hear the sound of my father’s beautiful tenor voice as he sang these words to me and my sister as little girls at bedtime before we would drift off to sleep. I loved it when my dad sang. I loved the sound of his voice, the peace that his singing brought and the words that captured my imagination. Little did my father, Ronnie Long, know that his singing not only lulled me to sleep, but it inspired dreams about the world and spurred me to my calling to the nations.

The Blessing Moments that Rocked My World

I have been blessed with supportive loving parents and have enjoyed a close relationship with both my father and mother. As I am typing this newsletter, my mother is with us for Thanksgiving. We are looking forward to cooking together and having great quality time. I love her dearly. She would agree and say that I have always been very much a Daddy’s girl and just loved being with my Dad. Whether it was target shooting with guns, watching old movies such as White Christmas, going fishing, attending a cattle auction or sitting on the 40 yard line of a Dallas Cowboy home football game; I just enjoyed my Dad’s presence.

My father went to be with the Lord on January 21, 2008. The week before his passing, my mom, sister and I were always by his side at the hospital. One night I stayed with him by myself. It had been a long night as he was unable to sleep. Even so, he never complained. It was early morning and I thought he had finally drifted off to sleep. I was quietly standing in front of the vanity mirror brushing my teeth, combing my hair before the doctors came by for their morning rounds.

My father in his loving voice called my name, “Becca?” I replied, “Oh, Daddy, I’m sorry I woke you.” “You didn’t wake me. I was not asleep, just resting my eyes. I want to tell you something. You are such a beautiful woman, I am very proud of you and I love you.” Tears rolled down my cheeks at my Fathers moment of totally abandoned genuine love toward me. I walked to hold his hand and lovingly replied, “I love you too daddy. So much. I love that you’re my dad.” Later that same day I was reading the Bible to him. He smiled and looked at me and said, “Don’t you ever stop reading and teaching the Word of God.” These moments have been beautiful to me because this was my father’s way of giving me his blessing.

Not only did he speak his blessing, but he was sure to express his love through a touch of affection he blessed we with throughout my life. From the time I can remember, one of my Dad’s favorite ways to express affection to me was gently tapping me three times on my nose while smiling that father’s smile of approval and love. I loved when he did this.

The day my father passed away was a surprise to us. While we knew he was sick, that particular morning he was doing exceptionally well and the doctor’s gave him a good report. Standing by his bed, my dad looked at me and smiled that wonderful father’s smile and raised his finger and gently tapped me three times on my nose. Seven hours later we stood by my father’s bed side as the presence of angels and our Lord filled that hospital room and he slipped into eternity. While we rejoiced he was with the Lord, I was heartbroken to be without my dad. No more fishing together, shooting guns together, working jigsaw puzzles together and old movie nights with he and my girls. No more being in his presence that brought safety, peace, love and joy. I told the Lord as I cried myself to sleep that night, “I am going to miss the love taps on my nose. I loved that gesture of affection from my father.”

Becca ministering to a father

Three weeks following my father’s funeral, I attended a leadership meeting. My friends gathered around me to minister to me. I closed my eyes to receive. Suddenly I felt three love taps on my nose in the exact rhythm my dad used. Startled, I opened my eyes to see who was in front of me. There stood one of my dearest friends, Tommi Femrite.

Surprised by my response, she lovingly looked at me and smiled just as my father used to. Then she explained, “Becca, I do not understand why, but the Lord told me to tap you three times on the nose. And when you opened your eyes I was to look at you and smile and it was to be a smile of approval and love.” I instantly began to weep and shared with Tommi about how my dad used to tap my nose and smile to show me his love and affection.

“Tommi, on the night my father passed away, I told the Lord I was going to miss those love taps.” She responded, “Well, God had me here to make sure you received those love taps.

He wants you to know that when you need those taps of love He can and will bring them to you.”

She asked, “Do you know the prophetic meaning of those love taps?” Puzzled by her inquiry, I answered, “No, I don’t. Is there a prophetic meaning?” “Yes, I actually did a recent study on this. When the children of Israel were preparing to go into battle, they would choose the warhorse they would ride into the nations. When the warrior found the horse he was selecting to ride into battle he would designate his choice by tapping that horse on the nose three times. Becca, I believe the Lord wants you to know through that touch of affection from your father, even if he did not realize it, he was actually prophesying your destiny to the nations.” I was stunned and moved to tears at the incredible goodness of our God. I travel the nations each year and to date have traveled internationally over 60 times. In this place of loss, the Lord sent a prophet to tap me on my nose exactly in the same manner as my father and to explain the prophetic meaning through this expression of love.

In October of 2014, I was speaking at a conference hosted by Greg and Dawn Brown at Skyway Church. One of the speakers began to minister prophetically. This speaker and I had never met until right before he walked on the platform. It was awesome to watch the Lord touch my friend’s lives who were receiving words of encouragement. The minister asked who had an anniversary on August 20th. I exclaimed, “Me and my husband, Greg!” He shared awesome prophetic words about Greg and our three daughters. He then said, “In a vision the Lord showed me these words written on paper.”


Goin to China or maybe Siam…
I want to see for myself…..
They call me a dreamer, well maybe I am.

Becca ministering to a young Asian boy

He asked, does this mean anything to you? Tearfully, I replied, “Those are words to a song my dad used to sing to me titled Far Away Places” He said, “Oh, WOW, this is a holy WOW. Those are words to a song your dad used to sing to you? WOW…And well, for a lot of your life you have been a dreamer and people believed in you and that you could dream. But there is a difference now because you are going to lead people into a dream that you have and their going to start having the dream you have. There is a team that’s going to start rising up with the same spirit, DNA and apostolic anointing you have because apostle means you reproduce apostolic anointing in others. And you will have clusters of teams all over the world in different parts of the world and you all are doing something with the same mission. And China is a part of the picture of what God is doing in this.”

Friends, our God can and will rock our worlds with His amazing faithfulness and goodness. If He can assure that a prophet is sent to tap me on my nose to bring comfort and peace to my heart he can give you what you need to bring His glorious victory into your lives. If He can send a prophet to read the words to a song my dad used to sing to me in order to bring confirmation and encouragement concerning our call to the nations, then He can meet you in your need.

Determined in the Call

These awesome encounters have caused Greg and I to be even more sure and steadfast of the calling to prayer for our nation and the nations. We have ministered internationally 8 times this year in Russia (twice), Korea, Malaysia, China, Spain, Canada, Mexico and consistently throughout our nation. God has called us to raise up and train a prophetic/strategic prayer army. Our prayer network, Strategic Prayer Action Network, has grown to over 130 members. We are raising leaders and intercessory teams in the U.S., Spain, Russia, Mexico and Malaysia. Our network prayed and partnered with another victory for Chief Phyliss Anderson and the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians as she won another four year term after running a strong, true and righteous campaign against a corrupt man. God is doing awesome things in Arizona, Florida, Texas, Mississippi and many places in our nation as a result of prayer.


Becca celebrating with Malaysian Youth

God continues to open doors. In 2016, we will travel and train extensively throughout the U.S. and Russia, Korea, Aruba, Spain and London. I am honored to receive the invitation to train the 3,000 member intercessory prayer network next year in Malaysia. The Lord spoke to us to host a large intercessory prayer gathering. It will be held February 25-27 in Goodyear, AZ. It is titled Glory Intercession Convergence: Honoring the Pioneers of Prayer, Igniting a Generation of Warriors for Transformation. Peter and Doris Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Alice Smith, Jennifer LeClaire, Greg Brown, along with myself and several others involved in our prayer network, will teach and give testimony of the power of strategic intercession that brings transformation. You can visit our website, www.christianharvestintl.org, event details.

We believe the truth that prayer does not fit us for the greater work, prayer is the greater work. We have all heard the phrase, history belongs to the intercessor. The truth is we are living in dark times with Islam threatening nations and the Islamic killings of Christians.

All that we are seeing in corruption and the race issues that are stirring again in our nation is a clarion call for believers to prayer and intercede. We need souls saved, people groups transformed, corruption overthrown and righteousness established. The good news I want to share with you is that spiritual hunger is stirring. There is a remnant that is on fire, pursuing after the Lord wholeheartedly. They are praying, fasting, believing and, friends, God is moving. I believe we are on the verge of a great awakening in the church across the nations. Greg and I and the CHI staff want to continue in our calling to prayer for the nations. As my father’s daughter, I want to honor the heart he had, the blessing he spoke and the words he sung to me and my sister when we were young. I long to see those “Far Away Places” touched with my heavenly Father’s love, salvation, healing, deliverance, goodness, glory and transformation.

This calling would not be possible without you. As we end 2015, will you prayerfully consider partnering with us? In order to fulfill the calling to the nations as we move into 2016 we are believing for $20,000 in order to host the prayer gathering, have funds for the nations and to continue to support and bless our staff. We are forever grateful for the continued support of you, our faithful partners.

We want to send you something new from Becca for those who give on-line. For your gift to Christian Harvest International ministries of $10.00 or more, you will receive a DVD of Becca new teaching, Abide in Him.
In this DVD Becca discusses God as the gardener or vine dresser of the true Vine. He cuts off and takes away branches that do not bear fruit in our lives. He prunes, purges, and cleanses of impurity even the branches that continue to bear fruit, to make it bear more, and more excellent fruit.

We are now His friends. No longer servants out of duty but His friends. He gives us joy, when we abide. He can confide in us when we abide. The Holy Spirit can share with us what the Father and Jesus are saying and doing. We can then Pray and ask in Jesus name and it will be given to you.

Thank you for your help as we serve God together!

In His Abundant and Everlasting Love,
Greg and Becca

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