February Schedule Update, YouTube Channel, and Teachable

This is my schedule for the month of February. Below is the information of how to be apart of the events. All the information is also listed on my Facebook page.

On YouTube, I have have done 8 session of my Bible Study on my new book, Discerning in the Spirit Realm. This week we will be going over Chapter 9: Discerning Times and Seasons. This will be on my YouTube page at 6 PM MT on Thursday.


We have a new teaching by Jareb Nott that is available in audio or video format now available on Teachable called: The DNA of Deliverance.

If you are interested in more teachings, they are available on Teachable with our two monthly subscription options: $45  CHI Audio and Video Course Subscription and  $25 CHI Audio Course Subscription. This will allow access to all past recorded teachings and future teachings when they are made available.


February Schedule Details:

February 8 via ISN or YouTube
ISN can be viewed on: www.SidRoth.org/ISN
FYI, if you miss the show live at 3:30 you can go back on the YouTube live page up to 24 hours!
February 4 via YouTube
ISN is also available on the FREE ISN App on any phone or tablet, as well as Roku (ISN logo attached). Info available at: http://sidroth.org/television/video-podcast
February 11 via YouTube
February 15 via ISN or YouTube
ISN can be viewed on: www.SidRoth.org/ISN
February 18 via YouTube
February 20
February 22 via ISN or YouTube
ISN can be viewed on: www.SidRoth.org/ISN





The DNA of Deliverance (Video)

The DNA of Deliverance (Audio)

CHI Audio and Video Course Subscription

CHI Audio Course Subscription

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