Be Where and Who I am Calling You to Be

I was ministering in Ohio at the beginning of February. The Lord had me in a place of intercession late in the night when He spoke a clear word to me in which I heard Him say, “Becca if you stay in a metron (basic definition is: measure of rule, sphere of influence or area) that I am no longer calling you to or asking you to stay in, then you are out of my best assignment for that season. Be who you are. You be you. Be where I am calling you to be.”

There is an important principle in knowing His assignments for the season we are in. We can wear ourselves out by striving and trying to make things happen and begin to feel worn down, battle weary. Paul understood this principle as he knew where he was called.

For we dare not count or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. They who measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another are not wise. But we will not boast beyond measure (metron), but within the boundaries which God has appointed us, which reach even you. (2 Corinthians 10:12-13)

Why do I share this? Because in this year of breakthrough we must seek Him over the assignments He is calling us to.

Then there is the mental battle that begins to play out in the theater of our minds that often times we think we have to be perfect before adventuring into a new season. So many great men and women of God had obstacles to press through. They weren’t picture perfect candidates for their kingdom assignments. Moses stuttered. Abraham and Sarah were beyond childbearing years. Rahab was a prostitute. Timothy was young. Martha was too busy. Peter denied Jesus. Paul, when he was Saul, killed Christians. Deborah was a woman fighting in a mans army.

Oh, and what about David? He was a teenager. Physically too small to slay Goliath, but even in his age and physical limitations he chose to believe in the strength and vastness of God rather than to focus on his own limited stature and fighting experience. He saw at that moment that God in him was bigger than that giant. And, somehow, in that moment he knew that if he fought on behalf of God and His name that he would have that victory. My point in this, slaying Goliath was Davids assignment! So friends never allow your limitations or the lies the enemy speaks to you about your limitations to determine your future. God is bigger. Way, way bigger.

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